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This is a preview of the next calculation of the market price changes. Keep in mind that this is a forecast, and will be in constant change until midnight.
GoodsProdxValue%The change
Alcohol2 585410 340106-2 iKr
Bread2 24748 98892+3 iKr
Clothes2 37249 48897+3 iKr
Cotton10 197110 1971050 iKr
Flour4 74329 48697+2 iKr
Fresh fish4 56929 13894+1 iKr
Frozen fish2 30549 22095+2 iKr
Furniture2 22348 892910 iKr
Gasoline2 02048 08083+2 iKr
Marble2 655410 620109-2 iKr
Newspapers3 039412 156125-3 iKr
Oil14 2910.6679 53298+1 iKr
Paper4 85429 7081000 iKr
Pigs5 358210 716110-1 iKr
Planks4 31028 62088+2 iKr
Plastic4 52529 05093+2 iKr
Sausages2 859411 436117-2 iKr
Stone7 3231.3339 7621000 iKr
Thread4 86929 7381000 iKr
Toys2 508410 032103-3 iKr
Wheat14 4660.6679 64999+1 iKr
Wood19 0790.59 54098+1 iKr
Average value: 9 745
If you become a gold member, there will be a diagram here!