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Teams - Friendly Help

 Team Name:  Friendly Help
 Team Leader:  castle oilman
 Second in charge:  Rodrigo Sanchez Ernandes
 Number of players:  17
 Average Company Value:  225 421 iKr
 Rank:  1
 Status:  Public

Welcome back

glad to see you all returning. may the force be with you

Company nameMDC. valueC-rankLatest login
N/AArthur LaFranaN/AN/A17 Apr 06:46
castle oilcastle oilman619 5093104 Feb 10:17
N/ADol larN/AN/A13 Jun 02:30
N/AGoose SilvaN/AN/A29 Nov 14:35
N/AGreen BearN/AN/A30 May 17:37
N/AIav AgoN/AN/A29 Nov 02:18
1PriceJames Pricey1 798 239405 Feb 01:06
N/AJoe LindsayN/AN/A13 Dec 17:17
N/AJoel SvenssonN/AN/A30 Jun 13:27
Grupo VenturaJosé Ventura514 0603705 Feb 07:16
N/AKarl LarssonN/AN/A29 Jun 21:55
N/ALeo WijnbergN/AN/A15 Sep 14:53
N/AMiss SearleN/AN/A27 Jan 17:16
N/ANemunas PranskeviciusN/AN/A27 Apr 19:12
Fishy BusinessNilz Mårtens550 1313504 Feb 21:36
Fresh Bread IncRodrigo Sanchez Ernandes350 2344305 Feb 01:31
N/AStefan RockefellerN/AN/A29 Jun 07:22